When my dad came to visit, he asked me if I had any projects brewing that I'd like his help on. I had decided awhile ago that I wanted to create a large magnetic board for my kids to hang their artwork on...and his visit coincided perfectly with figuring out how to execute my idea! For this project we used one sheet of 4'x 3' industrial sheet metal, 2 long 1x2's cut to size, foam weatherstripping to seal all of the rough edges, paint, some fabric and glue to decoupage.

Here's my dad in my garage, the master builder ready to go with our creation. It was such fun working on this project with him.

Me getting ready to saw boards for the frame

Now, we're getting somewhere! The completed "built" frame...just in need of some color

After my dad flew back home to Virginia, I moved the project upstairs to my studio, painted the inside of the frame light blue and then started decoupaging a patchwork of my favorite fabrics to the frame. I did this over the course of two evenings - it was a perfect, quiet evening project.

And finally...TA DA! All finished! This board now lives in the playroom and gets used nearly every day. The kids love it and I love how it turned out. Finally a pretty place for all of their treasures to get displayed. I also love that it is a project that me and my dad worked on together.
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