Years ago I had a thriving baby accessories business called Spongy Feet. Then I adopted two little babies, doubling the number of our children to 4 and suddenly having a nearly full time business run out of my home (and very much on the fly) didn't seem like such a good idea anymore. And certainly not fun.
So I put things on hold back in 2009...and waited.
Lately my meds for Lupus have really started to kick in and I am now experiencing more good/great days than bad ones. I've felt my creativity surging back. The babies are now 2 1/1 and life is getting a little easier in that arena.
Recently one night I started sewing...and designing...and thinking...and creating again.
It's little but for right now that is just the way I like it. I plan to add more home decor goods and more childrens clothing. But life is full and busy so Trulaaluu will be ever changing. Please stop by and check out the shop - I'd love to hear from you!